Thursday 24 February 2011

Finishing Up Watercolor of Blue Heron

Since I have no energy I was looking around the studio straightening out a little and found the Blue Heron I did for the Oil Spill to be put on tshirts. I did not need to complete the body as I did the lines in box form around the heron to make it more graphic and then sort of set it aside. I decided to finish it so it can be a new image on cards this summer. It did not even take an hour to complete but it feels great to get something done that I can use during tourist season! So it might not be much guys but it is at least a sign I am moving forward, albeit rather slowly! I have another Dr.'s appt on Tuesday for some tests so we will see what I learn then.

Sunday 20 February 2011

Sickness Prevails.

I am sorry this is taking so long but after having a bad cold for 3 weeks I was feeling better and went to help my daughter and now I am very sick. Tomorrow I will see a Dr and try to get something for this. Those of you who have known me over the years know I often paint through sickness but make mistakes or spill things on my painting so this time I walked away from it for fear I would ruin it. I am hoping in a few days with meds I will again be able to paint and bring this one to conclusion...keep me in your thoughts...I will try to get this done soon! Thanks for sticking with me!