Tuesday 6 December 2011

Next Step in Watercolor of Give Thanks

I am hoping I numbered these right so that this is the next step! While I am doing this posting I am working on a new peony painting but with grey skies it has been impossible to take pictures. This often happens to me in the winter so we might not have a step by step on that one.
In this step you can see I began to solve the background. Remember I do not like to leave this up in the air and make mistakes. If I knew photoshop I could check this out there but I just have to rely on my instinct at this point. I would much rather have taken it in a photo to see if it was working but instead I am taking a terrible chance and hoping it will look ok. These are curtains I have in my studio so I just drew them from life and waited for the time of day that I took this picture to try to make the shadows be right. It is here that I lost my beautiful peanut. I did not realize that the dark area would run behind it and there was some erasing there or something as the edge bled over and it just was gone. It took work to get it back so that it was a nice peanut but not the beautiful one I originally had. I am still very unsure of the background here as to what to do next and the deadline is looming...stay tuned! ha!

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