Saturday 28 January 2006

Studio Painting Alert!

What I say here is in jest but I feel there is some merit to what I am about to say! As you know I am working on a book so I seem to be in the sitting mode most of the time. I have come to the conclusion that this can cause one's butt to take the shape of the chair it is sitting in! HA! Therefore, be careful that it has a nice shape and that it is not a stool that could cause you to droop over the edges or to cushy to cause you to become fluffy as well! It is just a joke but sometimes when I stand up after sitting so long I think it might be true and think we should invent a chair with a nice butt shape in it. My theory is it would work like retainers for teeth, keeping things in alignment! HA! I have named it the Tush Push!
I am progressing and have completed most of chapter 3 at this time and one complete painting with progressive steps and several demos. I have drawn 3 more complete paintings and one is 1/3 painted so as you can see, I am making some headway be it ever so slowly.
Thought I should post something for you to look at so will post a Christmas tree I had outside this year. Actually, I had three done like this and it was fun to see them lit up at night. I miss them now but we hardly have any snow left so they would have looked rather silly if I had kept them up. It has been a very mild winter for us.
I will try to be better about this blog and keep you more informed...that is my New Year hope anyway!

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